What Is A Spa Consultant? Secrets To Spa Success

Despite being places of rest and relaxation, the spa industry can be extremely competitive. If a spa owner is looking to provide the most advanced procedures and keep up with spa trends, then they usually enlist the help of a spa consultant.

Spa consultants are specialized business development advisors who know all the ins-and-outs of spa operation. A spa consultant can develop a unique brand and niche specialties to help their clients stand out from the crowd.

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at what makes a spa consultant and what qualifies them for the job.

Why Hire A Spa Consultant?

Spas might seem like they are all soft music and soothing water features, but that’s just on the surface. Starting a new spa business is no easy feat – owners have to make loads of decisions.

Deciding on your location is the most obvious first step, but you also have to consider price point, special services, employee culture, and more. If you lack expertise in any of these areas then hiring a spa consultant is in your best interest.

What To Look For In A Spa Consultant

Not all spa consultants are created equal and finding the right one can be a challenge. But once you have the right fit, they can be game-changers. When you are looking for the right one, be sure to keep the following in mind.


While spas are very relaxing to their customers, they are a business like any other. Proper spa consultants are specialized professionals who have certification from the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) Spa Chapter.

The IMC sets the standard for professionalism. The accredited consultants are bound by a code of ethics and are only accepted into the Spa Chapter if they have received proper training, development, and education in the spa industry.


Running a new spa can be unpredictable and mistakes are costly, which is why hiring a spa consultant with experience in the industry is so important. Since they’ve gone through it before, they may have a better handle on timelines, permits, and locations.

The right spa consultant with the right experience can help operations run smoothly. They will also know which treatments are the best money makers and which ones are so outdated.

A season spa consultant may also have a trusted network of collaborators. They will know contractors who won’t pad their budgets, and designers who can actually deliver. They may even be able to get special deals from vendors they work with often. When starting up a business, these relationships can go a long way to keep costs down.


There is more than one kind of spa. There are day spas, destination spas, hydrotherapy spas, and medical spas – and even under each of these types, there are specialties. Spa consulting jobs may be very specific as the industry has expanded.

Not every spa is going to have the same requirements. Hotel spas tend to cater to higher-end customers and medical spas require healthcare professionals and extra certifications for technicians.

So before you hire a spa consultant for a new project, assess your own strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to pick a spa consultant that will compliment your skills!


This last criterion is by far the trickiest. Unfortunately, some new spas are going to fail. The ones that thrive are able to offer a little something more than run-of-the-mill services. Here is where a spa consultant’s creativity can set them apart.

Instead of a run of the mill marketing campaign, your business might benefit from a “selfie section” or a well-curated Pinterest board, a volunteer project, or a proprietary relaxation drink. These kinds of buzz-building strategies are why you hire spa consultants, one good idea can mean the difference between your project going viral, or falling flat.

Are Spa Consultants Worth The Cost?

Scrap the cliche “you need to spend money to make money.” Business ventures are a huge risk and there are tons of hidden issues that aspiring spa-owners might not anticipate.

Nobody plans to make mistakes, but they happen, and when they do, fixing them can be costly. An experienced spa consultant will be able to help you avoid making business errors and minimize the damage if you do.

The Nightmare Scenario

One spa in Watsonville, California was doing very well until a bacterial infection ruined the business!

It turns out the nail technicians were not following the proper procedures outlined by the manufacturers of their implements. They had not been taught the dangers of bacterial build-up and the owner didn’t know to anticipate this problem.

Despite his hard work, California’s Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology stripped him of his license. Now, this small business owner is facing lawsuits from affected customers.

All of this would have been avoided if a spa consultant had been present to properly vet the cleaning procedure and educate technicians on the consequences of inadequate sanitation.

A spa consultant can help you build that safety into your spa operations. They know all the industry standards and they are experienced in spa development and spa design. Their services will help you avoid pitfalls you just can’t predict.

Who Is Your Ideal Spa Consultant?

You want someone friendly, knowledgeable, but most of all, someone who gets your vision. Someone who will provide added value to your operations!

Part of it, however, is chemistry. When a project is in development, you don’t want just any consultant. You want someone as passionate as you are, which is why you should check out Bella Reina Spa and Nancy Reagan.

Get Premium Consultancy With Nancy Reagan

No, not that Nancy Reagan! We’re talking about Nancy Reagan, multi-award-winning Spa Owner and consultant!

Nancy Reagan has been nicknamed “the First Lady of Skincare”. She is on the governing board of the Delray Beach Medical Center and is a CMC certified member of The Institute of Management Consultants International Spa Chapter. She’s also the owner of the Bella Reina Spa, a wildly successful Spa in Delray, FL.

Bella Raina is consistently ranked as one of the Top Day Spas in Florida and has been awarded “Spa of the Month” by Les Nouvelles Esthetiques.

Ever since she was young, opening a spa was Nancy’s dream – and through hard work and perseverance, she was able to build that dream into a $1.6 million business. Now, with all that experience under her belt, she wants to help others do the same!

Nancy has created an 8 Week Module – The Spa Success Mastermind – to help you get your business off the ground. She also provides one-on-one services and a mentorship program.

If your dream is to start your own day spa then get in touch with Nancy today! Who knows? One day your spa may be awarded Best Day Spa in North America just like hers.

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